Strategy Objective

An Actively managed duration-controlled fixed income strategy emphasizing current return, liquidity, and quality using only short and intermediate term investments.

Allowable Securities

U.S. Treasury, U.S. Agency, Investment Grade Corp. Issues, Asset Backed, Non-leveraged structured products


Bloomberg Barclays U.S. Intermediate Government Credit Index

Duration Range (in years)

2.5 – 3.5 years

Representative Portfolio Characteristics as of 06/30/2020

Quality Distribution

Fixed Income Quality Distribution

  • A
  • AA/Aa
  • AAA/Aaa
  • BBB/Baa

Quality distribution and sector weightings are subject to change and should not be considered a recommendation to buy or to sell any security. Actual portfolio characteristics will vary.

Sector Allocation

Fixed Income Sector Allocations

  • Government
  • Industrial
  • Financial
  • Utility
  • Cash
  • Mortgage-Backed